What are the expectations for my new assignment?
What resources are available to help me?
What else do I need to know about my service?
Are there teaching opportunities?
What about safety and abuse?

What are the expectations for my new assignment?

Bishop or Branch President

The bishop or branch president is the key contact in your newly assigned ward or branch. He will make your assignments and he is the one who is responsible for all members and non-members within the ward or branch boundaries. Keep him informed regarding your activities. Consult with the bishop and obtain his approval prior to accessing services or incurring costs.

Know the Ward or Branch

The ward or branch to which you are initially assigned is the area where you will serve your mission. Your time and energy should be devoted to your assigned ward or branch. Being active is one of the best ways for you to become acquainted with the members. Building rapport with the people and leaders is one of the most important things you can accomplish.


Attend as many meetings and social functions as possible. You should be invited to attend ward council meetings in your new ward or branch. The frequency of these meetings will vary according to the discretion of the bishop or branch president. The bishop or branch president often has a separate meeting with just the service missionaries. Attend ward or branch block meetings and other meetings during the week. Become an involved member of the ward.


Your spouse is your companion. Learn to pray and council together and listen to each other’s ideas. You will discover hidden strengths in your companion. Go together as much as possible. There may be times when one of you may need to go somewhere without your companion. In these instances you will work with another service missionary or member of the ward or branch.

Single Brothers and Sisters

Single brothers and sisters will be assigned another service missionary as a companion, when it is possible. Sometimes a member of the ward or branch may be assigned as a companion.

Time Commitment

Letting the bishop or branch president know how much time you can spend in your assignment will help him understand how many families or individuals to assign you.

Introduction to Assigned Families or Individuals

Your bishop or branch president might personally introduce you to your assigned families or individuals. He might ask you to call on them without a formal introduction. You might work with some for your entire mission and others for a brief period of time.


It is not always possible to make appointments with those you serve. Some do not have phones and some may be reluctant to meet you. Don’t be discouraged or give up trying to reach them.


Some families will not let you in their home on your first few visits. It may be because they do not know you or that they are embarrassed about their living conditions. They may only want to visit on the doorstep or porch. Some contact is always a step in the right direction. An invitation to visit with you at the Church may be just the opportunity needed for individuals or families to return to Church attendance.


Trust is earned and takes time. Be patient and don’t try to rush the process.

Birthdays – Special Events

Remember birthdays and special events with a card, small gift or birthday cake. You may get these dates from the ward clerk or from the families or individuals directly. Also, learn about church, school and sports activities. For some, you may be the only one to remember these important occasions.

Ministering Visits

Bishops and branch presidents are discouraged from calling service missionaries as ministering brothers and ministering sisters to specific individuals and families. Bishops and branch presidents may count your work with individuals and families as ministers. When local ward or branch members are assigned to be ministering brother or ministering sister to the same people you are assigned to, it is important to work together to bless the lives of the people.

Language Barriers

Many different languages are spoken in wards and branches which can make it difficult to communicate. Sometimes younger family members or acquaintances that speak English can provide translation for the older generation. Information regarding ESL (English as a Second Language) classes is available on the mission website in Mission Resources. In some instances, service missionaries may be called upon to teach the ESL classes.


Monthly reports are to be submitted online by the 10th of the following month. If a service missionary does not have access to the internet, they may contact their zone leaders to have the information input for them. The bishop or branch president may ask for a written report. However, most of your reporting to him will be given in PEC meetings, missionary meetings or in private conversations.

Involving Family, Friends and Your Home Ward Members

Tell your family, friends and home ward members about your assignment. With the permission of the bishop or branch president you may be able to involve others in helping those you serve. Service opportunities can help others feel the spirit of serving and contributes to the Lord’s Storehouse. Time, talents and resources of those willing to serve are all part of the Lord’s Storehouse. (see Church Handbook 22.2.1 and Doctrine and Covenants 82:18-19). Can these references be live links?

Love the People

Love as the Savior loved. Many of our brothers and sisters need someone to listen to them and share their concerns without judgment. There will be those to whom you will be assigned who have special physical or emotional needs, or have lifestyles different from yours. Charity, the pure love of Christ, enables us to look past those differences and see each other as children of our Heavenly Father.

What resources are available to help me?

Zone Leaders

Ward lead couples and zone leader couples are available to assist you when you need help. If you have a ward lead couple, go to them first. If you do not have a ward lead couple or they cannot help, then go to the zone leader couple for assistance. If the lead couples or zone leaders cannot provide the assistance needed they will contact their assistant for help. Zone leaders will hold missionary meetings in the ward, branch and stake as needed.

Mission Resources

Under the guidance of Mission Resource Directors, a listing of Mission Specialties is maintained on the Mission website. The Mission Resources include a listing of Specialists in various fields and a listing service providers in those fields including employment, housing, medical, dental, legal, home repair and many others, who have agreed to provide services at low or no cost to those who are in need. The Wasatch Front Service Mission also works closely with the community to make community resources available to help meet temporal needs. When a service is needed, the service missionaries make initial contact with the specialists, not those being served.

Quarterly Missionary Conferences

The Wasatch Front Service Mission conducts quarterly missionary conferences. You may consult the Calendar for dates on the mission website. The conference includes a general session attended by all service missionaries followed by 4 break-out sessions running concurrently with training usually facilitated by Resource Specialists. Specialists participate on a rotational basis so that over a period of time service missionaries will have exposure to them in a training capacity. Missionary conferences also provide an opportunity to become acquainted with other service missionaries serving in the mission.

Self-Reliance Plan Form

The Church has provided a Self-Reliance Plan form that everyone should use to assist those members with financial needs. The form is located on the website under Resources > Church Resources > Improve Self-Reliance. You should help the member fill in this form and also share their form with their bishop. The form should be updated regularly as circumstances change.

What else do I need to know about my service?

Temple Attendance

You are urged to attend the temple regularly where you will find necessary spiritual strength to serve. You are also encouraged to attend the temple with your assigned ward or branch on their temple nights.

Home Ward and Stake

Your membership will remain in your home ward. Your tithing and other donations are made to your home ward. Your temple recommend will be issued from your home ward. You should continue to have ministering visits from your home ward. You should not have any callings in your home ward or stake but you may want to attend on special occasions. Your time and energy should be spent in your newly assigned ward or branch.

Name Badge

Your name badge should be worn any time you are functioning as a service missionary. If you need to order another name badge, please reach out to your assistant couple.


On Sunday, you should wear Sunday attire. During the week casual clothing may be more appropriate. You should always wear clothing in keeping with Church standards. You should be sensitive about what you wear (including excessive jewelry, etc.) so as not to intimidate those you serve.

Car Expenses

Missionaries will not be reimbursed for car expenses incurred in their missionary service.

Family Commitments

Family commitments are important. Let the bishop or branch president, as well as your lead couple, know when you will be gone.


Take vacations as you would normally. Let the bishop or branch president, as well as your lead couple, know when you leave so they can take care of any needs that arise in your absence.

Medical Leave

If health problems arise during your service, let your bishop or branch president know, as well as your lead couple, so that your assignments can be taken care of during your absence. Additionally, inform your assistant in the mission leadership about any serious health issues.


Do not use your own money to assist those you serve--it is against the rules. If they are needing money, have them talk to the bishop or you talk to the bishop. There may be occasions when you choose to buy something for those you serve but it should be minimal. Financial assistance is to be given only by the bishop or branch president.


Take the opportunity to speak in your assigned ward or branch, home ward and stake. Let others know of your service and the blessings of helping others in the Wasatch Front Service Mission.

Are there teaching opportunities?


Some families will want to have a prayer with you on the first visit. In other situations, it may take weeks or months to build a relationship before prayer is welcome. Listen to the Spirit and you will know when it is time. It is almost always appropriate to ask if they would like to have prayer before you leave. Helping our brothers and sisters increase their faith in Jesus Christ, learn to seek the Lord’s help, and to listen to the Spirit to guide them in their temporal and spiritual needs will be an important part your service.


The scriptures are a powerful teaching tool. Some families and individuals will be receptive on your first visit. With others it may take weeks or months to build a relationship before they are ready to study the scriptures. Listen to the Spirit and you will know when it is time. As you become acquainted, you will be able to evaluate the family’s understanding of the gospel. You may have to start with the very basics and may want to use the full-time missionaries (see “Full-Time Missionaries” below). Some people cannot read. Be careful not to embarrass anyone. In time and as prompted by the Spirit you will be able to determine their level of literacy.


Once you become better acquainted with those you serve, be prepared to give a spiritual thought or lesson. Rely upon the Spirit to know when this is appropriate.

Family Home Evening

Most families welcome Family Home Evening. Make it simple, fun and interesting especially when children are involved. Refreshments are always a good idea.


Under the direction of the bishop or branch president you may be asked to assist someone with their budget. Many families and individuals have never had a budget and often live from day to day or paycheck to paycheck. Become familiar with the budget tools in your training binder and on the website under Resources > Church Resources > Improve Self-Reliance so that you can help them with the budgeting process. It is important to establish a relationship before this sensitive subject is discussed.

Full-Time Missionaries

With the permission of the bishop or branch president, you may use the full time missionaries to help teach the gospel to those you serve. There are times when the full-time missionaries may need your assistance

What about safety and abuse?


It is always important to be aware of your surroundings. The leaders in the ward or branch will instruct you regarding areas that should be avoided during certain times of the day. Go with your companion as much as possible. There will be times when one of you may need to go alone. Use caution and see if another service missionary or someone from the ward or branch can go with you. Listen to the Spirit.


Physical or mental abuse of a child or spouse needs to be reported to the bishop or branch president immediately. Bishops and branch presidents can instruct you on how to handle these situations.

When a confrontational situation arises, the missionaries should not take any action that will transfer the focus or hatred to the missionary. Usually the presence of the missionaries or other independent witnesses is sufficient to defuse the situation from one of immediate violence to one of intense verbal confrontation. Police are taught to immediately separate the parties; missionaries should not physically do so, but should suggest separation and strongly encourage it.

If immediate physical violence is a reality or imminent possibility, the missionaries should immediately call for police assistance. If possible, the call should be made outside the presence of the offenders. The bishop or branch president should be notified as soon as possible after police notification.

Any abuse which places a child in danger such as no food, lack of care, physical violence, or use of drugs in the home while the child is present, or other actions which place the child in danger of health and safety must be reported immediately to the police, as well as the bishop or branch president. This should be done outside the presence of the perpetrators. The missionaries should consult with the bishop or branch president immediately, but if the bishop or branch president is not available, authorities should be notified without delay. The bishop or branch president has immediate 24 hour access to Church attorneys. Service missionaries must follow the advice the attorneys give to the bishop or branch president.